SetText "RefundFailure", "Failed to refund print job."
SetText "Refund", "Refund"
SetText "RefundConfirm", "Refund user %0% with amount %1% ?"
SetText "RefundComment", "Refunded print job"
'Transacted By
SetText "TransByNetUse", "net use"
SetText "TransByPrintUse", "print use"
SetText "TransByAutomatic", "automatic"
SetText "TransByTransTo", "transfer to %0%"
SetText "TransByTransFrom", "transfer from %0%"
' Admin Home
SetText "Welcome", "Welcome"
SetText "AdminInstr", "Welcome to the Web Administration for %0%. You'll be able to perform basic administration from your web browser, and view recent jobs on this server."
SetText "UserAdmin", "User Administration"
SetText "ViewRecentPrintJobs", "View recent print jobs on this server"
SetText "ViewRecentNetUsage", "View recent net usage on this server"
SetText "ViewRecentTransLog", "View transaction log on this server"
' Login page
SetText "Login", "Login"
SetText "LoginInstructions", "Enter your login username to log into the PaperCut web tools interface."
SetText "ErrorUserNotLoggedIn" ,"User not logged in. Need to configure IIS to disallow anonymous access."
SetText "AnonAccessDisabled", "Anonymous access is disabled. If you want to allow anonymous user access, set gblnAllowAnonymousAccess = True value in"
SetText "ErrorAnonAdminAccess", "Users authenticated using the 'anonymous' login form, are not allowed to access the Administration pages. Change the permissions of the Admin ASP pages so that only Administrators can access these files."
SetText "ErrorCantFindUser", "Cannot find user '%0%' in PaperCut user database."
SetText "ErrorUnexpectedError", "Unexpected error occurred. Contact the system administrator."
SetText "ErrorDatabaseAccess", "You do not have permissions to modify the PaperCut database. Please consult the user manual for instructions on configuring security settings to use PaperCut web administration."
'PaperCut Enterprise
SetText "Account", "Account"
SetText "AccountList", "Account List"
SetText "AccountAdmin", "Account Administration"
SetText "ChooseOption", "Choose from one of the following options."
SetText "AccountListInstr", "To edit an account, click on the account title in the list below"
SetText "ClickToAddAcct", "Or click to Add an Account"
SetText "AccountDetailsInstrAdd", "To add an account, enter its details and click the Save button"
SetText "ReturnWithoutAdd", "Return to the Account List without adding an account"
SetText "AccountDetailsInstrEdit", "To edit an account, change its details below and click the Save button"
SetText "DeleteThisAccount", "Delete this account"
SetText "ReturnWithoutEdit", "Return to the Account List without without saving any changes"
SetText "ResetCounters", "ResetCounters"
SetText "CounterStats", "Counter Statistics"
SetText "ConfirmAcctDelete", "Are you sure you wish to delete this account?"
SetText "ConfirmResetCount", "Are you sure you wish to reset the counters for this account?"
SetText "AcctIsActive", "Account is active"
SetText "AcctJobsNonInvoice", "Account jobs to be non invoiceable"
SetText "Legend", "Legend"
SetText "MainAcct", "Main Account"
SetText "ActiveAcct", "Active Account"
SetText "InactiveAcct", "Inactive Account"
SetText "JobCommentsReq", "Job Comments Required"
SetText "JobCommentsOpt", "Job Comments Optional"
SetText "AccountDetails", "Account Details"
SetText "AcctType", "Account Type"
SetText "AccountTitle", "Account Title"
SetText "Title", "Title"
SetText "AccountType", "Account Type"
SetText "SubAcctOf", "Sub account of"
SetText "Notes", "Notes"
SetText "AcctAdded", "The account was successfully added"
SetText "AcctSaved", "The account was successfully saved"
SetText "CountReset", "The counters were successfully reset"
SetText "EntErrAcctDetails", "The following problems were found with the account details"
SetText "EntErrAcctAdd", "An error occurred whilst adding the account"
SetText "EntErrAcctSave", "An error occurred whilst saving the account"
SetText "EntErrAcctDelete", "An error occurred whilst deleting the account"
SetText "EntErrAcctTitle", "The account title must be entered"
SetText "EntErrCountReset", "An error occurred whilst resetting the counters"
SetText "EntRedirMsg", "Please wait while the next page loads. If the page does not load within 5 seconds click the link below."
SetText "ClickHereToCont", "Click here to continue"
SetText "CommentsRequired", "Comments Required"
SetText "CommentsNone", "No comments for print jobs"
SetText "CommentsOpt", "Comments optional for print jobs"
SetText "CommentsReq", "Comments required for print jobs"